1. My 2GB USB key drive has been bent for about 1 week so I almost bought a 4GB at Fry’s last weekend for $89. I hesitated and it’s a good thing. I went to CompUSA today and saw that they were selling 4GB SanDisk Cruzers for $39. I went and got one. To re-iterate what Jeffrey Palermo said, I loaded the PortableApps suite.
2. While I was there I got a 300 Watt ATX power supply for my home server. It went out about 2 months ago and I haven’t need the box until recently. I replaced the power supply and was able to access my home server once again.
3. I finished the chapter “Framework for integration tests: Beauty Through Fragility” in the “Beautiful Code” book. I started it at 9am this morning and finished it. (Please be aware that I have a 2 year old and a dirty house, cleaning and playing with my son were part of the day too).
4. I also reloaded my first Mac. One of my wife’s co-workers has a G4 powerbook and it would boot up and then just sit on the apple screen. I had to learn how to boot to CD first (hold down the letter “c” when the laptop is turned on). Once the restore CD boots, it will boot straight to a reinstall screen. It looks a lot like a Linux live CD; it had the look of the normal Mac desktop. Throughout the file menu there was an option to scan the hard disk and repair if there were any errors. It failed. I formatted from that very same tool (all GUI) and then started the reload. It worked and the laptop is ready to go.
For all the non-Mac people out there: to right-click, all you have to do is hold down the “ctrl” key when you click the mouse button. :)
5. I finally posted my next to last ALT.net conference summation post, my last one is coming soon.
6. I wired-up the email sender for my personal MonoRail site. This was after trying to write the unit test. I finally succeeded and it was VERY easy with BaseControllerTest involved. I’ll explain in my next MonoRail post.
A nerdy afternoon/evening. A good one.