Maybe I’m a little late noticing this, but the Labs option once you’re in your gmail settings:


I was using the Better Gmail plugin from LifeHacker for a while before Google upgraded gmail.  I enjoyed the fact that my signature was going to be before the email text I was replying.  Well, that is offered on the “Labs” tab now with a whole slue of other features.  Don’t get me wrong, I still use the new Better Gmail2 plugin to ensure https is used when reading my mail.


The calendar gadget is another favorite because my wife and I use it a lot.  We have calendars for each of our sons and have their prespective doctor’s appointments and school related events on there.  It’s nice seeing all that information on the side of my mail.


Good job Google.

Update: The new gmail skins offered by the Better Gmail 2 plugin are sweet, check out this redesign one:


Comments Link to heading

Dan: Good stuff… “I still use the new Better Gmail2 plugin to ensure https is used when reading my mail.” Am I missing something? There is a ‘Always use https’ option in the Gmail settings. Is this not reliable?

Jason Meridth: @Dan You are absolutely correct. Wow, they’ve added a lot to the settings.

Brad Mead: Schweet! Didn’t know about any of this stuff. And I dig the Better gmail plugin – going to take it for a spin right now. Never thought of HTTPs for reading e-mail but seems like a good idea… I wonder if HTTPs would prevent my corporate benefactors from prying? Keeping in mind of course that on company equipment prying into my browser sessions is their privilege.

JH: Thank you for bringing my attention to this. The signature thing has irritated me since I started using GMail.

Lee Brandt: the redesign skin in Better GMail2 is very sweet…. made my pants feel a little.. tight. :0)

mbratton: Why are you reading Gina’s e-mail?