Being sick today has allowed me to catch up on my ASP.NET MVC knowledge and also move the remainder of my CC.NET projects to JetBrains TeamCity.  Being sick is no fun though. Cough Cough

After reading Sean’s post on TeamCity, my eyes have been opened.  Don’t get me wrong, I have attachments to CC.NET because it’s free and it works.  Setup is a pain sometimes, but not too bad.  On the flip, TeamCity has been amazing.  I migrated all of my CC.NET projects (8) to TeamCity in under 1 hour (of course, I’m using NAnt with my custom build files, so it was strictly web interface setup, but it worked.)

Like Sean mentions, I like the following:

  • Window Tray Notifier of build statuses
  • RSS feed notification of build statuses
  • vs2008sln build runner
  • web interface customization, no more XML hell
  • more to come…

UPDATE: The administration section of the software suggests using MySQL for a production installation.  I followed the instructions online for installing MySQL and setting up the database and connectivity.  It worked without any problems.  I love good,detailed instructions.  Kudos to JetBrains.

Only “problem” I’ve had is that I like to have my builds use whatever version of NAnt they use – in a lib folder in my trunk – and that is the NAnt.exe file that is used and TeamCity wants an environment variable NAntHome to point to the NAnt path on the server (i.e., C:Program FilesNAnt, NOT C:Program FilesNAntbin – it will handle finding the exe file, lesson learned)

I like what I see.  Thank you Sean.