Anyone in the Oklahoma City area on July 28th should check out the OCDG Code Camp.  The group has a lunch meeting and evening meeting every month.

The group’s website is here.

The code camp website is here.

The agenda includes speakers like Jeremy Miller, Jean-Paul Boodhoo, and Scott Bellware.

I had no plans to attend, and was just trying to get the word out, but after reading the speaker list, I’m most definately going.  I’ve wanted to meet Jean-Paul Boodhoo and Jeremy Miller for a while now.

I’ve already had the pleasure of meeting Scott and I will be seeing him again tomorrow after the Austin .NET Users group meeting (if we go to Rudy’s as usual).

Look forward to seeing anyone else who decides to attend.

Comments Link to heading

Scott Bellware: Rudy’s it is, then. See you at the meeting and then at the BBQ trough :)