Okay, I’ve been hearing about Ruby and even went through the “Try Ruby” on hobbix walk-through. I’ve scripted in Python, another dynamic language, for my Linux bash scripts and I’ve also create a web site to interact with Amazon web services with IronPython (post coming soon on that), but wasn’t impressed enough to pursue learning of Ruby hard-core.  After the few posts on LosTechies from Joey, Joe, and Sean, I decided to follow Sean’s advice and watch the screencasts on Ruby.com.  I’m not even through the blog creation screencast and I need to post on this.

People go check it out. Here.  You’ll be utterly amazed.

I’ll update this post after I see more.  Wow!

The speaker’s comment at 11:18, “Yeah, it goes fast, don’t blink.” was priceless.

Comments Link to heading

Joey Beninghove: Hehe, yep. There are lots of screencasts and presentations out there you can watch. Here are few more to wet your appetite: 2006 RailsConf: http://www.scribemedia.org/?s=railsconf 2006 RailsConf Europe: http://skillsmatter.com/menu/368 Google Videos: http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=%22ruby+on+rails%22 Skills Matter / RoR eXchange: http://skillsmatter.com/menu/479 RailsCasts: http://railscasts.com/ PeepCode ($$) : http://peepcode.com/ There are many more, but those should get you started… :)

Joe Ocampo: I knew once you saw the light you wouldn’t be able to resist! lol

Sean Chambers: Great isn’t it? Now, my only gripe with all of RoR is the whole production headaches. Perhaps someone can shed some light in this area of deploying a RoR app to a production server. There are alot of different options and it’s hard to tell which is the best route. Alot of people have capistrano scripts deploying to Apache with a Mongrel cluster and a load balancer but I had a real hard time getting it to work correctly. Comments anyone?

Joey Beninghove: @Sean, Well since I’m only going on my 2nd real coding week with learning RoR, I can’t be of much help. But from what I’ve seen I am going to have to beef up my nix skills quite a bit. But sounds like you and Jason are pretty comfortable in anix environment, so shouldn’t be as much of a problem for you guys. About Capistrano, everything I hear about it, folks say it is simply amazing and is something every RoR developer should be using. Hopefully I’ll get to that point soon… :D

Jason Meridth: Wow. This is exactly why we created LosTechies. Thanks for the support guys. @Sean: Sounds like a challenge for us to create an open-source product to make production deployment easier. :)

Joey Beninghove: @Jason, Capistrano is pretty much the de-facto deployment tool in Rails-land right now, from what I can see. So I’d probably take a serious look at that before creating an alternative. Just my 0.02…

Sean Chambers: Jason, sounds like a plan! Let me know if you setup a vm or anything to play with it. It would be neat if we could swap virtual machine disks if one of us sets up a Linux deployment server. Granted we would all have to be using VirtualBox or VMWare, but it would be cool to all be working with the same configuration.

Joe Ocampo: Lets create a that site that Joey and I were talking about for displaced softies that need $$$ for MacBook Pro’s! If someone can raise money for their college tuition why can’t we raise a little for us poor developers. ;-)