Via input from Chris Koenig, one of the Microsoft Developer Evangelists in my area, we got some great events coming up soon in South Central US.

Sat, July 28th – Oklahoma City CodeCamp (

Sat, August 25th – Houston TechFest (

Sat, October 19-20 – Tulsa TechFest (

Hope you all can make one or all of them.  I plan to attend the OKC CodeCamp and most likely the Houston TechFest, but we’ll see. :)

Comments Link to heading

Ben Scheirman: I’ll be in OKC (speaking on Domain Driven Design with NHibernate) I have 2 sessions at HTF (Advanced Web Design Techniques, and Intro to NHibernate) … I was at TTF last year and it was great, but I don’t know if I can swing it again. Will see.

Jason Meridth: Awesome! I heard via email from the code camp director, Raymon LeWallen, that Jeremy Miller won’t be able to make it, but I do look forward to meeting you and sitting through your presentations. I also want a chance to speak with Jean-Paul Boodhoo who is also going to be in Austin next month for the Austin .NET Users Group meeting. ( Look forward to meeting you Ben.