To all developers,

If you are located for co-located Subversion hosting, I’ve now looked at, tried/purchased an account with  I was pair programming with a colleague today at a local coffee shop and we have both been trying to decide where we can host the code to handle remote pair programming or coffee shop pair programming.  My manager, Joe, had mentioned SvnRepository to me a while back and I hadn’t made the choice yet.

After doing some research, the price, and no BS website helped make the decision.  Within 15 minutes after purchasing the account, I had a single repository, two logins and code uploaded.  SWEET!!

After making my initial purchase, the $3.95 package (one repository, unlimited developers), I got techno lust (as we know all software developers get when a new techie item is available) and sent an email to their help email account and asked if I could upgrade my account to the $7.95 account (unlimited repositories, unlimited developers).  Within 2 hours I had a response and my account was upgraded.

Also you can set the account up to email you when people check-in to the repository. :)

Excellent customer service. Great technical service delivered.

It’s nice to find something that works out of the gates.

Comments Link to heading

Donn Felker: I’ve been using for months now and I agree. It seriously kicks booo-tay.

Jin Kwon: Can I set user access per directory?

Jason Meridth: Not that I can see. I will inquire. If it doesn’t though, for ~$7/mo. you can have unlimited repositories. Are you asking for specific access to the same codebase but for different directories?

Sean Chambers: I like the idea of getting an e-mail when someone accesses the repository. This is a cool feature. I am currently running an ubuntu server at my house to run subversion but if I pick up some more developers this might be a viable option. Can’t complain about the price. That is cheap!