UPDATE: Do not upgrade your virtual box install.  Stay with the Gutsy version if you already have it.  If you are just installing Hardy Heron from scratch, I will have a post in a little bit and link to it here about how to ensure you get the correct version.

In a previous post, I shared the pain of getting sound working on my Toshiba Satellite laptop with prior versions of Ubuntu.  It has been off and on for a while and I’ve even resorting to recompiling my kernel to get it to work (no luck).  After upgrading to Hardy Heron today and restarting, I heard the wonderful drum sounds you here when Ubuntu loands.  YIPEE!!  I just logged in and finally got to watch some of the CodeBetter screencasts on the Seattle conference on my laptop without having to use my Windows VM.  For some reason, when I plugged headphones in and used my Windows VM, I got sound.

I also got the latest beta of Firfox 3.0.  Wow.  My del.icio.us plugin was not compatible, but I did find the Shareaholic plugin that lets you post to Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Digg, Del.icio.us, etc.  Nice.  A few special effects also.

I noticed that the OS also has indexing in place now, so you can search for programs like you do with Vista.

There are other new features that I’m excited about, but will use them in greater detail before I blog about them.

Don’t get me wrong folks.  Microsoft pays my bills with the day job, but I like Linux for personal reasons (oh and it’s free).  Just want to share in case anyone is thinking about switching or is currently using and hasn’t upgraded. I finally got my Vista VM up and I’m working in IronPython again.  I plan to post on that soon.

I’m just very happy my sound is working flawlessly.

Comments Link to heading

Jay Meattle: Jason, thanks for trying Shareaholic :)

Kevin Miller: I too upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop. Sound worked from Firefox and some apps but not everything. I followed the guided to install PulseAudio (which should have already been installed) and things started working. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio I will be looking into adding a VM so that I can do .Net dev.